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Coming soon for Autumn planting.

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  • This strain features a wide range of pastel shades and bicolours, with especially large blooms (smaller then Colibri though)
  • Hybrid vigour delivers uniform flowers, earliness and long-lasting garden performance compared to poppy varieties
  • Many large, cup-shaped flowers top bushy, strong-stemmed plants
  • Performs well in hot-day, cool-night conditions

     Note: Harmful if eaten/skin & eye irritant


Poppy Champagne Bubbles Mix

  • CROP TIME: Expect Spring blooms

    PLANTING DENSITY: 15-20cm spacing. 

    GROWING: Use a good fertiliser with sufficent nitrogen to encourage and establish growth on planting then again when daylight starts increasing in August. These Poppies can also benefit from a foliar spray of Mg Fe.

    Keep watering up during all stages, vegatative growth, hook stage and flowering and post harvest

    HARVEST: Harvest daily at split bud stage or as soon as you can see the flower colour appearing on the bud

    There is a lot of talk about searing or burning the ends of poppies to seal in their milky sap. An alternative, is to pick them and store dry in a closed cardboard box in your fridge. The stem will naturally seal itself. When you are ready to use the stems, stand them up in clean water in the fridge. They will start to open by the following morning. You can store dry flowers for up to a week with little decline in vase life.

    Short lived perennial/ hardy annual.


seedling plugs for sale online
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