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**Coming soon for Autumn planting**

Antirrhinum Majus - Snapdragon Maryland 1&2

Well defined flower spikes are produced on sturdy, clean stems

Plant in Autumn for Spring & Summer flowers, Winter for Early Spring flowers.

Growing to 100cm - 150cm. 

Group 1&2 for flowering under shorter days and cooler conditons, although mine are still flowering in January. 

These are supplied as small seedling plugs 


Snapdragon Maryland Lavender

Out of Stock
  • Snapdragons are cool season annual flowering plants. They are quick to grow and flower. Plant 10 - 15cm apart in well draining soil in full sun. Staking or supporting flower spikes will ensure straight stemmed flowers. If you prefer a bushier plant Snaps can be pinched to produce side branches, this can be done when the plants have formed 4-6 leaves or approx 8-10cm tall leaving 2 or 3 sets of leaves behind. If pinching the plants allow more space (at least 20cm) and note pinching will also delay flowering time by a few weeks.  Cut back spent flowers in summer for a second flush of flowers flowers in Autumn. If cutting flowers for a vase do so when about a third of the flowers open at the bottom and top buds are still closed, stripping any leaves below the flower. You will get great case life 7 - 10 days. The plant does not tolerate dought, ensure they are watered regularly. Fertilise while they are in flower. 



seedling plugs for sale online
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