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**Plan for Early Spring**

Antirrhinum Majus - Potomac 3&4 Crimson

Potomac group 3&4 are slower to grow, the slow growth allows the plant to produce tall sturdy stems and well formed flowers under long days and warmer temps. Flowering throughout Summer


Growing to 100cm - 150cm. 


These are small seedling plugs 


Snapdragon Potomac 3&4 Crimson

Out of Stock
  • Snapdragons are cool season annual flowering plants. They are quick to grow and flower. Plant 10 - 15cm apart in well draining soil in full sun. Staking or supporting flower spikes will ensure straight stemmed flowers. If you prefer a bushier plant Snaps can be pinched to produce side branches, this can be done when the plants have formed 4-6 leaves or approx 8-10cm tall leaving 2 or 3 sets of leaves behind. If pinching the plants allow more space (at least 20cm) and note pinching will also delay flowering time by a few weeks.  Cut back spent flowers in summer for a second flush of flowers flowers in Autumn. If cutting flowers for a vase do so when the there is a few florets open at the bottom and top buds are still closed, stripping any leaves below the flower. You will get great case life 7 - 10 days. The plant does not tolerate dought, ensure they are watered regularly. Fertelise while they are in flower. 



seedling plugs for sale online
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